YiXue Health Workshopwith Lotus Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi
Health, Wisdom &Self Realizationare in Your Own Hands- Wei Ling Yi -
Wei Ling Yi, the founder of the YiXue Culture teaches people all over the world, how they can strengthen their vital life energy – the Qi – and thus take their health into their own hands, getting well and fit in a holistic way.
By means of simple, regular exercises the Qi gets flowing and thus by the work of the Qi blockages are dissolved. Qi and blood are able to circulate freely and the self-healing forces can develop. During lessons and seminars Wei Ling Yi builds up a supporting and harmonizing ’Lotus Qi Field’.
The more the participants relax and go into the ZERO state, the more they are able to receive, collect and store the Qi. By that the practitioners can take up the YiQi more directly and it will work within them effortlessly.
It is a special experience to get to know the Lotus Grandmaster in person. He impresses with his natural and modest way.
Practicing under his guidance and with his Energy transmissions leads to inner experiences that are difficult to achieve alone. This makes it possible to perceive easily and directly the all-encompassing truth behind the simple exercises of the YiQi Da Dao.