Find your Inner self through the practice of the Lotus, its' beauty, purityand its' ability to transform. The modern, but old-rooted Lotus-Pathopens a practical Life Cultivation for Everybody.

The Lotus symbolizes

the universe – (macro-cosmos) and his information codethe true inner self – the Soul (micro-cosmos)the path of purification (Life Cultivation) and unification to approach the YiQi, in ancient times called ’Great DAO’.

The Beauty, Symbolism and Power of the Lotus

The Lotus is more than a beautiful plant, more than a symbol of purity and morality. It represents the finest to be attained in human nature, the quest for truth, the cultivation of goodness and beauty and the flowering of the Soul to her true divine nature.

The Lotus is an extraordinary creation of Heaven and Earth. From the heavens above it absorbs Qi that is Yang in nature. From the earth below it absorbs Qi of Yin nature. With its extremely bio-energy field the Lotus is at the same time very receptive and resilient. Its’ seeds are capable of sprouting after thousands of years. Growing out of the mud and dirt, it opens up to the light – stainless, pure and clear without any dust. The blossoming is the sign of the opening of the essence of our being, the inner self, and becoming the true human being, oriented towards the great DAO.  

The spirit of the Lotus is like a ladder in the practice of refining. Most of the enlightened Masters of all generations and different beliefs and continents identified their practice and their inner self with the Lotus, because the Lotus connects them to the YiQi as it is their code to Unity.

The Process of Life Cultivation

This process has the final goal to re-generate and improve the own Soul. When a soul comes to Earth from her heavenly Lotus home, she has to take the path to go through the cosmic black holes, rivers and channels to come to her incarnation.

This ’way down’ needs a lot of energy, and when the Soul has arrived, it has neither energy (Qi), nor knowledge (of its’ former lives) left.

Everything has to rebuild again. The spiritual way of recovering and refining the energies of the heart, mind and Soul is called ’Cultivation’. It starts with the Qi-practice as energy work, to restore the powers, abilities and energy-channels – meridians. The channels of the Qi for example the nerve tracts must be freed from blockages. The Qi of the nerves is the network that connects cosmically.

A true holistic and interacting network with the cosmos can only be built up by higher cultivation, not solely through energy practice. It needs the cultivation of a balanced and loving heart and high virtue and consciousness through the method of ’DE’: doing selflessly the good, without expecting rewards. It requires a lot of patience and discipline, but the most important thing is all-encompassing virtue and love.

The Lotus Great System of Life Cultivation

Lotus Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi is the authentic Lineage Holder of the ’Great Lotus System’ and opened the knowledge, accumulated since oldest times, of the chain of all Lotus Masters about Life cultivation to help the people in our modern age.

In ancient times, practitioners have retreated to the mountains and practiced the Life cultivation to become self-realized, to be good and merciful. We practice our cultivation in the midst of modern society to become righteous, people with kind and stable hearts, to be harmonious and loving towards all beings like the holy ones do.

The process starts with the activating and rising dynamic of Qi in ones’

  • body – for good health
  • heart & mind – for a well-balanced heart with excellent virtues
  • Soul – to gain wisdom and enlightenment

As the lotus ’governs’ the elevation, descent, opening and closing mechanism of Qi in the human body you may find your Inner Self – Golden Child sitting on a lotus. If you reached this sacred condition of being, you understand what it is all about and come into harmony with all of life.

Practicing theYIQI DA DAO

To be on the DAO, to get reunified with the YiQi, the primal life source,
has been called by Lotus Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi: YIQI DA DAO

He trains his students in that process, to blend the human and the heavenly energies and fuse them into one – thereby uplifting the practitioner and his surroundings. Everything comes to his perfect Truth, Goodness and Beauty, as it flows from the YiQi.

Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi has opened the path to self-fulfilment for anyone in ’one life and in a period of at least 7-years’ of concentrated self-cultivation. All of this transmitted knowledge and power of liberation are concentrated in his basic mantra:

’Wo Shi Lian Hua, Lian Hua Shi Wo’I am Lotus, Lotus am I.